20个不可思议的 WebGL 示例和演示 - 梦想天空(山边小溪)(2)

字号+ 作者:H5之家 来源:H5之家 2016-11-15 15:00 我要评论( )

Developed by @thespite and @mrdoob. It will first require you to put on your address before proceeding. Once entered youll see a beautiful 3D scene that has a holiday greetings on it, where as you ca

Developed by @thespite and @mrdoob. It will first require you to put on your address before proceeding. Once entered you’ll see a beautiful 3D scene that has a holiday greetings on it, where as you can move along using your mouse to view the whole 3D models.

15. Materials: Cars

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With this WebGL you can choose to view 3D looks of Bugatti Veyron, Lamborghini Gallardo, Ferrari F50 and Chevrolet Camaro in your browser. Pick your ride and enjoy the view. Guest what, you can even choose their colors.

16. Quake 3

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Developed by Brandon Jones, it is an impressive WebGL game demo complete with music. You can play it by just using your keyboard and mouse.

17. WebGL Image Filter

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A WebGL graphic editor application by Evan Wondrasek ,with a smooth and fast interface. You can play around with filter effects like the brightness and contrast, similar to the features you see in Photoshop.

18. From Dust

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A WebGL game originally released a couple years ago on some traditional gaming platforms. Ubisoft has ported this game to WebGL and contains amusing and amazing effects and controls on it.


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A WebGL that offers 3D logo on the header with a basic setting of a site when scrolled down. It offers a possibility that WebGL can be used as a practical setting to a website or software application.

20. WebGL Terrain

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A WebGL demo with dynamic procedural terrain using 3d simplex nois. It features birds from and the background sound by Kevin Maclead.




本文链接:20个不可思议的 WebGL 示例和演示 

编译来源:梦想天空 ◆ 关注前端开发技术 ◆ 分享网页设计资源



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