
TerrainVer 在JavaScript中生成蠕虫风格的卡通地形。

字号+ 作者:H5之家 来源:H5之家 2018-04-23 18:03 我要评论( )

TerrainVer 在JavaScript中生成蠕虫风格的卡通地形。


Generate Worms-style cartoon terrain in JavaScript. You can see a full demo on this page.

Snap 1

Generate a random terrain mask

For browsers that support es6 modules:

<./src/TerrainGenerator.js../img/type-1.png, , , , , Optional, default true, use red/alpha for terrain mask, if false red/black will be used ./script>

To support other browsers, you can put this javascript in a main.js file and create a bundle with Rollup that you import:

rollup main.js --o js-bundle.js --f iife <script type="text/javascript" src="js-bundle.js"></script>

The terrain type image is a low resolution image with red, blue, and black zones representing the general shape of a terrain. See the explanation in the demo page and type-x.png images in this repo for some examples.

If you have already loaded a terrain type image that you want to use, you can call the constructor directly:

({ width, terrainTypeImg: myImgElt }) .generate(Math.random())

The example above should produce an image like this:

Snap 2

Simple rendering of a terrain mask

You can apply a simple rendering pass to the terrain shape mask:

<div style="position: relative; width: 874px; height: 546px;"> <="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: 10;"></canvas> <="position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; z-index: 11;opacity: 0.24;"></canvas> <="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: 12;"></canvas> <="position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; z-index: 13;opacity: 0.45;"></canvas> </div>

./src/TerrainRenderer.js' TerrainRenderer.fromImgUrl(terrainShape, { groundImg: './img/ground.png', // Required, url of a texture image for the terrain ground backgroundImg: './img/background.png', // Required, url of a background image charaImg: './img/chara.png', // Required, url of an image representing a grid of 'characters' to display charaWidth: 44, // Width of one character, if missing charaImg is assumed to be only one character charaHeight: 41, // Height of one character, if missing charaImg is assumed to be only one character nbCharas: 7, // Optional, default 10, Number of characters to display in the rendering borderWidth: 8, // Optional, default 8, width of the terrain border borderColor: '#89c53f', // Optional, default #89c53f, color of the terrain border waveColor: '#2f5a7e', // Optional, default #2f5a7e, color of the water waveFps: 20, // Optional, default 20, frame per second for the water animation waveDurationOptional, default 60000, duration of the animation in milliseconds, use 0 for infinite }).then((terrainRenderer) => { terrainRenderer.drawTerrain( Math.random(), document.getElementById('bgcanvas'), document.getElementById('bgwater'), document.getElementById('fgcanvas'), document.getElementById('fgwater') ) })

Like for the terrain mask, if you have already loaded the images to use you can call the TerrainRenderer constructor directly.



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    2017-10-18 16:04
