
Vue中应用CORS实现AJAX跨域,及它在 form data 和 request paylo(2)

字号+ 作者:H5之家 来源:H5之家 2017-07-09 09:00 我要评论( )

最近做性能测试,写了个python程序自动将URL里面的‘%2B’,‘20%’,‘3B'等转换成正常字符,方便查看。import os,sys;path = sys.path[0]os.chdir(path)encode_list = 'encode_list.txt'result = path +... If Sc

最近做性能测试,写了个python程序自动将URL里面的‘%2B’,‘20%’,‘3B'等转换成正常字符,方便查看。import os,sys;path = sys.path[0]os.chdir(path)encode_list = 'encode_list.txt'result = path +...

If Scotland votes ‘Yes’ to independence, what will be the impact on data sovereignty?

发布于 2014-09-18 09:05:50

Scotland goes to the polls today to vote on independence from the Union. If a 'Yes' vote is passed, it will throw into question the massive issue of data sovereignty. Read more:

Microsoft Office Mobile for Android updated with Dropbox Support and OneDrive sharing

发布于 2014-11-21 10:43:53

Where Cellular Networks Don't Exist, People Are Building Their Own

发布于 2015-01-14 15:21:00

New submitter TechCurmudgeon writes: According to a story at Wired, towns in Mexico that aren't served by the nation's telecom monopoly are taking matters in their own hands with the help of a non-profit and open source technology. "Strategically ignored by Mexico's major telecoms,



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