function createList() { var aLI = ["first item", "second item", "third item", "fourth item", "fith item"]; // Creates the fragment var oFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(); while (aLI.length) { var oLI = document.createElement("li"); // Removes the first item from array and appends it // as a text node to LI element oLI.appendChild(document.createTextNode(aLI.shift())); oFrag.appendChild(oLI); } document.getElementById('myUL').appendChild(oFrag); }
var sFlop = "Flop: [Ah] [Ks] [7c]"; var aValues = {"A":"Ace","K":"King",7:"Seven"}; var aSuits = {"h":"Hearts","s":"Spades", "d":"Diamonds","c":"Clubs"}; sFlop = sFlop.replace(/\[\w+\]/gi, function(match) { match = match.replace(match[2], aSuits[match[2]]); match = match.replace(match[1], aValues[match[1]] +" of "); return match; }); // string sFlop now contains: // "Flop: [Ace of Hearts] [King of Spades] [Seven of Clubs]"
outerloop: for (var iI=0;iI< 5;iI++) { if (somethingIsTrue()) { // Breaks the outer loop iteration break outerloop; } innerloop: for (var iA=0;iA< 5;iA++) { if (somethingElseIsTrue()) { // Breaks the inner loop iteration break innerloop; } } }