译文:例如,一个包含URL路径 /产品 的URL映射到一个名为ProductsController的控制器。action参数中的值是调用的操作方法的名称。一个包含URL路径 /产品/show 的URL会导致对ProductsController类的Showmethod的调用。
The following table shows the default URL patterns, and it shows examples of URL requests that are handled by the default routes.
The route with the pattern {resource}.axd/{*pathInfo} is included to prevent requests for the Web resource files such as WebResource.axd or ScriptResource.axd from being passed to a controller.
For IIS 7.0, no file-name extension is needed. For IIS 6.0, you must add the .mvc file-name extension to the URL pattern, as in the following example:
译文:带有模式资源的路由axd/pathInfo,被用于防止Web资源文件的请求,例如WebResource,axd或ScriptResource传递到控制器。对于IIS 7.0,不需要任何文件名称扩展。对于IIS 6.0,您必须添加.mvc文件扩展名到URL模式中,如下面的例子:
2.5 Adding Routes to a Web Forms Application(添加路由到WebForm运用程序)
In a Web Forms application, you create routes by using the MapPageRoute(String, String, String) method of the RouteCollection class. The MapPageRoute method creates a Route object and adds it to the RouteCollection object. You specify properties for the Route object in parameters that you pass to the MapPageRoute method.
译文:在Web Forms应用程序中,您可以使用路由选择类的MapPageRoute(字符串、字符串、字符串)方法创建路由。MapPageRoute方法创建一个路由对象并将其添加到RouteCollection对象。您可以在传递给MapPageRoute方法的参数中指定路由对象的属性。
Typically, you add routes in a method that is called from the handler for the Application_Start event in the Global.asax file. This approach makes sure that the routes are available when the application starts. It also enables you to call the method directly when you unit-test the application. If you want to call a method directly when you unit-test the application, the method that registers the routes must be static (Shared in Visual Basic) and must have a RouteCollection parameter.
译文:通常地,在全局Global.asax文件中,您可以在一个叫做Application_Start 方法里添加路由。该方法确保当应用程序启动时,路由是可以使用的。它还使您可以在对应用程序进行单元测试时直接调用该方法。如果您想在对应用程序进行单元测试时直接调用方法,那么注册路由的方法必须是静态的(在Visual Basic中是共享的),并且必须具有一个路由参数。
The following example shows code from a Global.asax file that adds a Route object that defines two URL parameters named action and categoryName. URLs that have the specified pattern are directed to the physical page named Categories.aspx.
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); } public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { routes.MapPageRoute("", "Category/{action}/{categoryName}", "~/categoriespage.aspx"); }
2.6 Adding Routes to an MVC Application
If you adopt the MVC convention of implementing controllers by creating classes that derive from the ControllerBase class and giving them names that end with "Controller", you do not need to manually add routes in an MVC application. The preconfigured routes will invoke the action methods that you implement in the controller classes.