Zend Framework手册 中文版(2)

字号+ 作者:H5之家 来源:H5之家 2017-11-21 10:05 我要评论( )

The JSON-RPC request environment is encapsulated in theZend_Json_Server_Request object. This object allowsyou to set necessary portions of the JSON-RPC request, includingthe request ID, parameters, a

The JSON-RPC request environment is encapsulated in the Zend_Json_Server_Request object. This object allows you to set necessary portions of the JSON-RPC request, including the request ID, parameters, and JSON-RPC specification version. It has the ability to load itself via JSON or a set of options, and can render itself as JSON via the toJson() method.

The request object has the following methods available:

  • setOptions(array $options): Specify object configuration. $options may contain keys matching any 'set' method: setParams(), setMethod(), setId(), and setVersion().

  • addParam($value, $key = null): Add a parameter to use with the method call. Parameters can be just the values, or can optionally include the parameter name.

  • addParams(array $params): Add multiple parameters at once; proxies to addParam()

  • setParams(array $params): Set all parameters at once; overwrites any existing parameters.

  • getParam($index): Retrieve a parameter by position or name.

  • getParams(): Retrieve all parameters at once.

  • setMethod($name): Set the method to call.

  • getMethod(): Retrieve the method that will be called.

  • isMethodError(): Determine whether or not the request is malformed and would result in an error.

  • setId($name): Set the request identifier (used by the client to match requests to responses).

  • getId(): Retrieve the request identifier.

  • setVersion($version): Set the JSON-RPC specification version the request conforms to. May be either '1.0' or '2.0'.

  • getVersion(): Retrieve the JSON-RPC specification version used by the request.

  • loadJson($json): Load the request object from a JSON string.

  • toJson(): Render the request as a JSON string.

  • An HTTP specific version is available via Zend_Json_Server_Request_Http. This class will retrieve the request via php://input, and allows access to the raw JSON via the getRawJson() method.

    The JSON-RPC response payload is encapsulated in the Zend_Json_Server_Response object. This object allows you to set the return value of the request, whether or not the response is an error, the request identifier, the JSON-RPC specification version the response conforms to, and optionally the service map.

    The response object has the following methods available:

  • setResult($value): Set the response result.

  • getResult(): Retrieve the response result.

  • setError(Zend_Json_Server_Error $error): Set an error object. If set, this will be used as the response when serializing to JSON.

  • getError(): Retrieve the error object, if any.

  • isError(): Whether or not the response is an error response.

  • setId($name): Set the request identifier (so the client may match the response with the original request).

  • getId(): Retrieve the request identifier.

  • setVersion($version): Set the JSON-RPC version the response conforms to.

  • getVersion(): Retrieve the JSON-RPC version the response conforms to.

  • toJson(): Serialize the response to JSON. If the response is an error response, serializes the error object.

  • setServiceMap($serviceMap): Set the service map object for the response.

  • getServiceMap(): Retrieve the service map object, if any.

  • An HTTP specific version is available via Zend_Json_Server_Response_Http. This class will send the appropriate HTTP headers as well as serialize the response as JSON.

    JSON-RPC has a special format for reporting error conditions. All errors need to provide, minimally, an error message and error code; optionally, they can provide additional data, such as a backtrace.

    Error codes are derived from those recommended by the XML-RPC EPI project. Zend_Json_Server appropriately assigns the code based on the error condition. For application exceptions, the code '-32000' is used.

    Zend_Json_Server_Error exposes the following methods:

  • setCode($code): Set the error code; if the code is not in the accepted XML-RPC error code range, -32000 will be assigned.

  • getCode(): Retrieve the current error code.

  • setMessage($message): Set the error message.

  • getMessage(): Retrieve the current error message.

  • setData($data): Set auxiliary data further qualifying the error, such as a backtrace.

  • getData(): Retrieve any current auxiliary error data.

  • toArray(): Cast the error to an array. The array will contain the keys 'code', 'message', and 'data'.

  • toJson(): Cast the error to a JSON-RPC error representation.




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