时间:2017-09-12来源: 作者:源码库 文章热度: ℃
spring security用了也有一段时间了,弄过异步和多数据源登录,也看过一点源码,最近弄rest,然后顺便搭oauth2,前端用json来登录,没想到spring security默认居然不能获取request中的json数据,谷歌一波后只在stackoverflow找到一个回答比较靠谱,还是得要重写filter,于是在这里填一波坑。
基本的spring security配置就不说了,网上一堆例子,只要弄到普通的表单登录和自定义UserDetailsService就可以。因为需要重写Filter,所以需要对spring security的工作流程有一定的了解,这里简单说一下spring security的原理。
spring security 是基于javax.servlet.Filter的,因此才能在spring mvc(DispatcherServlet基于Servlet)前起作用。
/** * Enables subclasses to override the composition of the password, such as by * including additional values and a separator. * <p> * This might be used for example if a postcode/zipcode was required in addition to * the password. A delimiter such as a pipe (|) should be used to separate the * password and extended value(s). The <code>AuthenticationDao</code> will need to * generate the expected password in a corresponding manner. * </p> * * @param request so that request attributes can be retrieved * * @return the password that will be presented in the <code>Authentication</code> * request token to the <code>AuthenticationManager</code> */ protected String obtainPassword(HttpServletRequest request) { return request.getParameter(passwordParameter); } /** * Enables subclasses to override the composition of the username, such as by * including additional values and a separator. * * @param request so that request attributes can be retrieved * * @return the username that will be presented in the <code>Authentication</code> * request token to the <code>AuthenticationManager</code> */ protected String obtainUsername(HttpServletRequest request) { return request.getParameter(usernameParameter); }
/** * AuthenticationFilter that supports rest login(json login) and form login. * @author chenhuanming */ public class CustomAuthenticationFilter extends UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter { @Override public Authentication attemptAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws AuthenticationException { //attempt Authentication when Content-Type is json if(request.getContentType().equals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE) ||request.getContentType().equals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)){ //use jackson to deserialize json ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authRequest = null; try (InputStream is = request.getInputStream()){ AuthenticationBean authenticationBean = mapper.readValue(is,AuthenticationBean.class); authRequest = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken( authenticationBean.getUsername(), authenticationBean.getPassword()); }catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken( "", ""); }finally { setDetails(request, authRequest); return this.getAuthenticationManager().authenticate(authRequest); } } //transmit it to UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter else { return super.attemptAuthentication(request, response); } } }
@Getter @Setter public class AuthenticationBean { private String username; private String password; }
重写Filter不是问题,主要是怎么把这个Filter加到spring security的众多filter里面。