jQuery Spoiler plugin.
Text Highlighting.
Disable Text Select Plugin.
jQuery Newsticker.
Auto line-height Plugin.
Textgrad - a text gradient plugin.
LinkLook - a link thumbnail preview.
pager jQuery Plugin.
shortKeys jQuery Plugin.
jQuery Biggerlink.
jQuery Ajax Link Checker.
jQuery Plugin - Tooltip.
jTip - The jQuery Tool Tip.
Flash Tooltips using jQuery.
jQuery Tabs Plugin - awesome!. [demo nested tabs.]
another jQuery nested Tab Set example (based on jQuery Tabs Plugin).
jQuery idTabs.
jdMenu - Hierarchical Menu Plugin for jQuery.
jQuery SuckerFish Style.
jQuery Plugin Treeview.
treeView Basic.
FastFind Menu.
Sliding Menu.
Lava Lamp jQuery Menu.
jQuery iconDock.
jVariations Control Panel.
ContextMenu plugin.
CSS Dock Menu.
jQuery Pop-up Menu Tutorial.
Sliding Menu.
jQuery Plugin Accordion.
jQuery Accordion Plugin Horizontal Way.
haccordion - a simple horizontal accordion plugin for jQuery.
Horizontal Accordion by portalzine.de.
Accordion Example from fmarcia.info.
jQuery Accordion Example.
jQuery Demo - Expandable Sidebar Menu.
Sliding Panels for jQuery.
jQuery ToggleElements.
Coda Slider.
Accesible News Slider Plugin.
Showing and Hiding code Examples.
jQuery Easing Plugin.
jQuery Portlets.
EasyDrag jQuery Plugin.
jQuery Portlets.
jqDnR - drag, drop resize.
Drag Demos.
XSLT Plugin.
jQuery Ajax call and result XML parsing.
xmlObjectifier - Converts XML DOM to JSON.
jQuery XSL Transform.
jQuery Taconite - multiple Dom updates.
RSS/ATOM Feed Parser Plugin.
jQuery Google Feed Plugin.
Wresize - IE Resize event Fix Plugin.
jQuery ifixpng.
jQuery pngFix.
Link Scrubber - removes the dotted line onfocus from links.
jQuery Perciformes - the entire suckerfish familly under one roof.
Background Iframe.
QinIE - for proper display of Q tags in IE.
jQuery Accessibility Plugin.
jQuery MouseWheel Plugin.
jQuery Impromptu.
jQuery Confirm Plugin.
jQuery Style. Switcher.
JSS - Javascript. StyleSheets.
jQuery Rule - creation/manipulation of CSS Rules.
jQuery Dimenion Plugin.
jQuery Loggin.
Metadata - extract metadata from classes, attributes, elements.
Super-tiny Client-Side Include Javascript. jQuery Plugin.
Undo Made Easy with Ajax.
JHeartbeat - periodically poll the server.
Lazy Load Plugin.
Live Query.
jQuery Timers.
jQuery Share it - display social bookmarking icons.
jQuery serverCookieJar.
jQuery autoSave.
jQuery Puffer.
jQuery iFrame. Plugin.
Cookie Plugin for jQuery.
jQuery Spy - awesome plugin.
Effect Delay Trick.
jQuick - a quick tag creator for jQuery.
1) Galleria -这是一个用jQuery编写的javascript图像画廊插件。之前帕兰已经做过介绍。
4) Hover Sub Tags- 使用jQuery来缩小标签云所占成的页面,比如你有一个”Ajax”的标签, 你可以在这个标签里面再放入二级标签 jquery, mootools, 等…当鼠标悬浮在一级标签上时,就出现一个动态提示效果的二级标签云。
5) Pagination-创建一个分页导航,当你的网页内容比如多的时候,比较适合使用这种分页导航系统,同时也有利于SEO。这个利用jQuery编写的分页导航的特点是,你可以把它与搜索相结合,控制搜索结果的显示文章数。
6) Accordion Menu -这是一个手风琴效果的演示, 标题使用 H3 标签, 子菜单使用UL标签来实现伸缩。