摘要:Ajax实际上是多种技术,每一种技术都自己蓬勃发展,然后通过强大的新方式组合到一起,其中包括HTML,JavaScript技术。 DHTML和DOM,是可以把笨拙的Web界面申请转变为互动式Ajax的优秀方式。在定义了Ajax之后,对如何使JAVAScript和Ajax同步请求进行了介绍。最后,提出通过Ajax进行高等的请求和响应。
Ajax是异步JavaScript和速记XML(DHTML等)。AJAX即“Asynchronous JavaScript and XML”(异步JAVAScript和XML),AJAX并非缩写词,而是由Jesse James Gaiiett创造的名词,是指一种创建交互式网页应用的网页开发技术。但是,Ajax是远不仅仅是一种时尚,它是一个建立网站的一种强有力的方式,作为一门全新的语学习起来并不困难。
I .英文原文
Research on Web Applications Using Ajax New Technologies
Abstract—Ajax is really several technologies, each flourishing in its own right, coming together in powerful new ways, which consists of HTML, JavaScript. technology, DHTML, and DOM, is an outstanding approach that helps to transform clunky Web interfaces into interactive Ajax applications. After the definition to Ajax, how to make asynchronous requests with JavaScript and Ajax was introduced. At the end, advanced requests and responses in Ajax were put forward. Keywords-component; Ajax; JAVAScript; XMLHttpRequest; Web Applications