本書中涉及的模式可以分為以下四種類型︰ 基本技術︰檢閱Ajax開發所需要的基礎技術;編程實踐︰羅列為了確保Ajax應用程序的可維護性而由開發人員總結的編程技巧;功能和易用性︰描述在進行Ajax應用程序開發時會踫到的各類用戶界面,以及Ajax所提供的各種新功能 程序開發︰解釋用于監控、調試和測試Ajax應用程序的流程。
Michael Mahemoff,獲得墨爾本大學計算機科學和軟件工程系的博士學位。他的博士畢業論文是“Design Reuse in Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction”。他現在住在倫敦並為銀行、醫療保健和物流行業中軟件開發提供咨詢。
PREFACEPart One INTRODUCTION 1 INTRODUCING AJAX Ajax and the Usable Web The Rise of Ajax Ajaxifying the Web: The Story of Portals Webifying the Desktop: The Story of Office Applications Characteristics of Ajax Applications The Ajax Technologies Anatomy of a Server Call Ajax Trends Conclusions 2 A PATTERN-LED TUTORIAL Ajax Technologies in a Blink Ajaxifying a Web App: One Pattern at a Time Projects and Katas Conclusions 3 AJAX DESIGN: PRINCIPLES AND PATTERNS Desirable Attributes of Ajax Applications Oesigning for Ajax Ajax Patterns Oueruiew Anatomy of a Pattern Ajax Patterns Demos CnnclusionsPart Two FOUNDATIONAL TECHNOLOGY PATTERNS 4 AJAX APP Ajax App 5 DISPLAY MANIPULATION Display Morphing Page Rearrangement 6 WEB REMOTING Web Service XMLHttpRequest Call IFrame Call HTTP Streaming On-Demand JavaScript 7 DYNAMIC BEHAVIOR User A ction Scheduling 8 EXTENDED TECHNOLOGIES Richer PluginPart Three PROGRAMMING PATTERNS 9 WEB SERVICES RESTful Service RPC Service Ajax Stub HTML Message Plain-Text Message XML Message JSON Message 10 BROWSER-SERVER DIALOGUE Call Tracking Periodic Refresh Submission Throttling Explicit Submission Distributed Events Cross-Domain Proxy 11 DOM POPULATION XML Data Island Browser-Side XSLT Browser-Side Templating 12 CODE GENERATION AND REUSE Server-Side Code Generation Cross-Browser Component 13 PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATION Browser-Side Cache Predictive Fetch Guesstimate Multi-Stage Download Fat ClientPart Four FUNCTIONALITY AND USABILITY PATTERNS 14 WIDGETS Slider Progress Indicator Drilldown Data Grid Rich Text Editor Suggestion Live Search Live Command-Line Live Form 15 PAGE ARCHITECTURE Drab-And-Drop Sprite Popup Malleable Content Microlink Portlet Status Area Update Control Virtual Workspace 16 VISUAL EFFECTS One-Second Spotlight One-Second Mutation One-Second Motion Highlight 17 FUNCTIONALITY Lazy Registration Direct Login Host-Proof Hosting Timeout Heartbeat Unique URLsPart Five DEVELOPMENT PATTERNS 18 DIAGNOSIS Logging Debugging DOM Inspection Traffic Sniffing 19 TESTING Simulation Service Browser-Side Test Seruice Test System TestPart Six APPENDIXES A AJAX FRAMEWORKS AND LIBRARIES B SETTING UP THE CODE EXAMPLES C PATTERNS AND PATTERN LANGUAGES D REFERENCESINDEX