arrow_style: 箭头的类型.
data_col: 数据来自数据源的第几列
shadow:表示阴影,如果设置了则在对象的下方设置,偏移位置为X-off, and y-off
4 矩形图:
from pychart import *
data = [ (0, 10, 30, 40, 60), (10, 20, 40, 50, 55), (20, 10, 35, 38, 43),
(30, 8, 30, 35, 39), (40, 8, 20, 28, 39) ]
ar = area.T(x_axis = axis.X(label="X axis"),
y_grid_interval = 10, y_grid_style = line_style.white,
y_axis = axis.Y(label="Y axis"),
y_grid_over_plot=1, legend = legend.T())
if theme.use_color:
colors = [ fill_style.darkseagreen, fill_style.white, fill_style.brown ]
colors = [ fill_style.gray90, fill_style.white, fill_style.gray50 ]
ar.add_plot(range_plot.T(label="foo", data=data, fill_style = colors[0]))
ar.add_plot(range_plot.T(label="bar", data=data, min_col=2, max_col=3,
fill_style = colors[1]))
ar.add_plot(range_plot.T(label="baz", data=data, min_col=3, max_col=4,
fill_style = colors[2]))
range_plot 很多参数与其他的类相似,主要有两个比较重要的。
附: Label式样
Restrictions: /h, /v, and /a must appear in the beginning of a string.
Specifies the angle of the text. Parameter dd is a number between -360 to 360. Value 0 means left-to-right text, 90 means bottom-to-up, etc. If you want to print numbers right after an angle specification, put { between the angle and the number. For example,
the below code shows string ""100"" at a 60-degree angle.
Specifies horizontal alignment of the text. A is one of "L" (left alignment), "R" (right alignment), or "C" (center alignment).
Specifies vertical alignment of the text. A is one of "B" (bottom), "T" (top), or "M" (middle).
: Switch to Times font family.
Switch to Helvetica font family.
Switch to Courier font family.
Switch to Bookman-Demi font family.
Switch to AvantGarde-Book font family.
Switch to Palatino font family.
Switch to Symbol font family.
Switch to family font family. The below example draws string "Funny" using ZapfDingbat font (which produces some meaningless output).
canvas.show(100, 200, "/F{ZapfDingbat}Funny")
The list of available fonts are the following:
Bookman-Demi Bookman-Light Courier AvantGarde-Book AvantGarde-Demi Helvetica Helvetica-Narrow Palatino NewCenturySchlbk Times Symbol ZapfChancery-MediumItalic ZapfChancery-Medium-Italic ZapfDingbats
/b:Switch to bold typeface.
/i:Switch to italic typeface.
/o:Switch to oblique typeface.
/dd: Set font size to dd points.
"/20{}2001 space odyssey!"
Set gray-scale to 0.dd. Gray-scale of 0 means black, 1 means white.
//, /{, /}:
Display `/', `}', or `{'.
{ ... }:
Limit the scope of escape sequences. For example, "{/10{/20Big text} and small text}" will display "Big Text" using a 20-point font, and "and small text" using a 10-point font.