Python 之路 Day5(3)

字号+ 作者:H5之家 来源:H5之家 2018-01-21 12:15 我要评论( )

import configparser config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.sections()[] config.read('example.ini')['example.ini'] config.sections()['bitbucket.org', 'topsecret.server.com'] 'bitbucket.org' in co

>>> import configparser >>> config = configparser.ConfigParser() >>> config.sections() [] >>> config.read('example.ini') ['example.ini'] >>> config.sections() ['bitbucket.org', 'topsecret.server.com'] >>> 'bitbucket.org' in config True >>> 'bytebong.com' in config False >>> config['bitbucket.org']['User'] 'hg' >>> config['DEFAULT']['Compression'] 'yes' >>> topsecret = config['topsecret.server.com'] >>> topsecret['ForwardX11'] 'no' >>> topsecret['Port'] '50022' >>> for key in config['bitbucket.org']: print(key) ... user compressionlevel serveraliveinterval compression forwardx11 >>> config['bitbucket.org']['ForwardX11'] 'yes'


[section1] k1 = v1 k2:v2 [section2] k1 = v1 import ConfigParser config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.read('i.cfg') # ########## 读 ########## #secs = config.sections() #print secs #options = config.options('group2') #print options #item_list = config.items('group2') #print item_list #val = config.get('group1','key') #val = config.getint('group1','key') # ########## 改写 ########## #sec = config.remove_section('group1') #config.write(open('i.cfg', "w")) #sec = config.has_section('wupeiqi') #sec = config.add_section('wupeiqi') #config.write(open('i.cfg', "w")) #config.set('group2','k1',11111) #config.write(open('i.cfg', "w")) #config.remove_option('group2','age') #config.write(open('i.cfg', "w"))



用于加密相关的操作,3.x里代替了md5模块和sha模块,主要提供 SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512 ,MD5 算法

import hashlib m = hashlib.md5() m.update(b"Hello") m.update(b"It's me") print(m.digest()) m.update(b"It's been a long time since last time we ...") print(m.digest()) #2进制格式hash print(len(m.hexdigest())) #16进制格式hash ''' def digest(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Return the digest value as a string of binary data. """ pass def hexdigest(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Return the digest value as a string of hexadecimal digits. """ pass ''' import hashlib # ######## md5 ######## hash = hashlib.md5() hash.update('admin') print(hash.hexdigest()) # ######## sha1 ######## hash = hashlib.sha1() hash.update('admin') print(hash.hexdigest()) # ######## sha256 ######## hash = hashlib.sha256() hash.update('admin') print(hash.hexdigest()) # ######## sha384 ######## hash = hashlib.sha384() hash.update('admin') print(hash.hexdigest()) # ######## sha512 ######## hash = hashlib.sha512() hash.update('admin') print(hash.hexdigest())

还不够吊?python 还有一个 hmac 模块,它内部对我们创建 key 和 内容 再进行处理然后再加密

散列消息鉴别码,简称HMAC,是一种基于消息鉴别码MAC(Message Authentication Code)的鉴别机制。使用HMAC时,消息通讯的双方,通过验证消息中加入的鉴别密钥K来鉴别消息的真伪;

一般用于网络通信中消息加密,前提是双方先要约定好key,就像接头暗号一样,然后消息发送把用key把消息加密,接收方用key + 消息明文再加密,拿加密后的值 跟 发送者的相对比是否相等,这样就能验证消息的真实性,及发送者的合法性了。


import hmac h = hmac.new(b'天王盖地虎', b'宝塔镇河妖') print h.hexdigest()




The  module allows you to spawn new processes, connect to their input/output/error pipes, and obtain their return codes. This module intends to replace several older modules and functions:

os.system os.spawn*

The recommended approach to invoking subprocesses is to use the  function for all use cases it can handle. For more advanced use cases, the underlying  interface can be used directly.

The  function was added in Python 3.5; if you need to retain compatibility with older versions, see the  section.

subprocess.run(args, *, stdin=None, input=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=False, timeout=None, check=False)

Run the command described by args. Wait for command to complete, then return a  instance.

The arguments shown above are merely the most common ones, described below in  (hence the use of keyword-only notation in the abbreviated signature). The full function signature is largely the same as that of the  constructor - apart from timeout, input and check, all the arguments to this function are passed through to that interface.

This does not capture stdout or stderr by default. To do so, pass  for the stdout and/or stderr arguments.



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