Leonid Mamchenkov: Validating JSON against schema in PHP

字号+ 作者:H5之家 来源:H5之家 2017-03-21 08:00 我要评论( )

Leonid Mamchenkov: Validating JSON against schema in PHP,InthisnewposttohissiteLeonidMamchenkovtalksaboutvalidatingJSONcontentsenttoyourapplicationtoe

In this new post to his site Leonid Mamchenkov talks about validating JSON content sent to your application to ensure it matches a JSON schema definition.

GitHub was rather slow yesterday, which affected the speed of installing composer dependencies (since most of them are hosted on GitHub anyway). Staring at a slowly scrolling list of installed dependencies, I noticed something interesting.

Of course, I’ve heard of the seld/jsonlint before. It’s a port of zaach/jsonlint javascript tool tophp, written by Jordi Boggiano , aka Seldaek, the genius who brought us composer dependency manager and packagist.org repository.

But JSON schema? What’s that?

From there he gets into a high level definition of what JSON schema is and the similarities it has to XML's structure. He then links to a PHP package that can help with the validation and how to use it (defining a simple JSON file, a schema and the code to perform the evaluation).



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