Query JSON Using SQL With Couchbase Query Workbench

字号+ 作者:H5之家 来源:H5之家 2016-01-17 12:53 我要评论( )

Query JSON Using SQL With Couchbase Query Workbench ,ITPUB论坛

You’d like to query a JSON document database using SQL-like syntax?

Couchbase has N1QL for you.

N1QL is a declarative query language that extends SQL for JSON. You can query data via native framework and language integration, a fluent API, or the JDBC/ODBC drivers.

N1QL enables you to query JSON documents without any limitations–sort, filter, transform, group, and combine data with a single query. That’s right. You can combine data from multiple documents with a JOIN. That flexible data model you were promised? This is it. You’re no longer limited to “single table” and “table per query” data models.

N1QL Tutorial is a great resource to learn the concepts of querying JSON documents using SQL-like syntax.



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