Jodd 3.6.7 是个非常与众不同的版本,虽然主要是 bug 修复,但是 Java 升级到了 Java 7。
[vtor] Added message to validation annotation.
[util] Added method to parse internet time.
[props] Added method to get profiles list.
[util] Added PBKDF2Hash and MurmurHash3.
[json] Make JSON parser to be aware of JSON annotations.
[util] Added ZipBuilder.
[json] Added set serialization.
[json] Added FileJsonTypeSerializer.
[util] Enhanced StringTemplateParser to support macros with just $.
[util] Added BeanWalker.
[util] Added some StringUtil methods.
[madvoc] Class loading exception loosened.
[util] Extended Class loader has been significantly improved.
[http] Replaced the HttpValuesMap with HttpMultiMap.
[mail] Added ParseEML class.
[util] Removed sort.
Bug 修复:
[http] Fixed encoding with multipart requests.
[json] Fixed special case in parsing.
[util] Fixed boolean printf.
[util] Fixed BCrypt.
[dboom] Fixed issues with hints and collections.
[util] Fixed Unsafe handling.
[petite] Fixed Petite wiring.
[lagarto] Fixed handling of naked ampersends.
[http] Better handling of the HTTP connections.
Jodd 是一个开源的 Java 工具集, 包含一些实用的工具类和小型框架。简单,却很强大!
Jodd = Tools + IoC + MVC + DB + AOP + TX + JSON + HTML < 1.5 Mb
Jodd 被分成众多模块,按需选择,其中
jodd-core 一些工具类,包括Printf、JDateTime、StringUtil、Fast buffers等等
jodd-bean BeanUtil以及类型检查转换工具
jodd-props 更强大的Java Properties替代
jodd-email 更简单易用的e-mail收发
jodd-upload 处理HTTP上传
jodd-servlets 一些Servlet相关的工具类, 附带一套漂亮的JSP标签库
jodd-http 轻巧的HTTP客户端
jodd-madvoc 一个MVC框架
jodd-petite 一个依赖注入容器
jodd-lagarto HTML/XML解析器,包含Jerry和CSSelly,让你像jQuery一样筛选HTML节点
jodd-lagarto-web Lagarto的Web扩展,包含Decora、HtmlStapler等等
jodd-proxetta 帮你实现动态代理,获取函数参数名
jodd-dboom 数据库访问的轻量级封装,可看作一个简单的ORM
jodd-json JSON解析、序列化
jodd-vtor 一个基于注解的字段验证框架
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