Tocify是一个jQuery插件,能够动态的生成文章目录,Tocify可以随意的设置Twitter Bootstrap 或者 jQueryUI Themeroller支持的可选动画和jQuery的显示/隐藏效果,Tocify还支持平滑滚动,向前和向后按钮支持,可以监听浏览器的滚动显示当前的目录结构。
showEffect目录展示效果:"none", "fadeIn", "show", or "slideDown""slideDown"
showEffectSpeed目录展示速度:"slow", "medium", "fast", 或数字(毫秒)"medium"
hideEffect目录隐藏效果:"none", "fadeOut", "hide", "slideUp""none"
hideEffectSpeed目录隐藏速度:"slow", "medium", "fast", 或数字(毫秒)"medium"
smoothScrollSpeed平滑滚动速率,可以是数字(毫秒) or String: "slow", "medium", or "fast""medium"
theme内容展示风格,可以是"bootstrap", "jqueryui", or "none""bootstrap"
contextString“body”Any valid jQuery selector
selectorsString“h1,h2,h3”Each comma separated selector must be a header element.
showAndHideBooleantruetrue or false
showEffectString“slideDown”“none”, “fadeIn”, “show”, or “slideDown”, or any of the other jQuery show effects
showEffectSpeedString or Number“medium”“slow”, “medium”, “fast”, or any numeric number (milliseconds)
hideEffectString“none”“none”, “fadeOut”, “hide”, “slideUp”, or any of the jQuery hide effects
hideEffectSpeedString or Number“medium”“slow”, “medium”, “fast”, or any numeric number (milliseconds)
smoothScrollBooleantruetrue or false
smoothScrollSpeedNumber or String“medium”Accepts Number (milliseconds) or String: “slow”, “medium”, or “fast”
scrollToNumber or Function0Accepts any number (pixels) or Function
showAndHideOnScrollBooleantruetrue or false
highlightOnScrollBooleantruetrue or false
highlightOffsetNumber40Accepts any number (pixels)
themeString“bootstrap”“bootstrap”, “jqueryui”, or “none”
extendPageBooleantruetrue or false
extendPageOffsetNumber100Any number (pixels)
historyBooleantruetrue or false
hashGeneratorString or Function“compact”“compact”, “pretty”, function(text, element){}.
Compact – #CompressesEverythingTogether.
Pretty – #looks-like-a-nice-url-and-is-easily-readable.
function(text, element){} – Your own hash generation function that accepts the text as an argument, and returns the hash value.
highlightDefaultBooleantruetrue or false
ignoreSelectorStringnullAny valid jQuery selector
scrollHistoryBooleanfalsetrue or false
//Executes your code when the DOM is ready. Acts the same as $(document).ready(). $(function() { // Calls the selectBoxIt method on your HTML select box and updates the showEffect option var toc = $("#toc").tocify({ showEffect: "fadeIn" }); });这里是设置一个选项的插件后首先调用使用SetOption方法的一个例子:
//Executes your code when the DOM is ready. Acts the same as $(document).ready(). $(function() { // Calls the selectBoxIt method on your HTML select box var toc = $("#toc").tocify().data("toc-tocify"); // Sets the smoothScroll option to false toc.setOption("showEffect", "fadeIn"); });这里是设置多个选项的插件后首先调用使用setOptions方法的一个例子:
//Executes your code when the DOM is ready. Acts the same as $(document).ready(). $(function() { // Calls the selectBoxIt method on your HTML select box and updates the showEffect option var toc = $("#toc").tocify().data("toc-tocify"); // Sets the showEffect, scrollTo, and smoothScroll options toc.setOptions({ showEffect: "fadeIn", scrollTo: 50, smoothScroll: false }); });获取参数一个单一的选项可以通过使用option()方法检索。目前所有的选项可以通过引用选项属性检索。