
jQuery 中的 39 个技巧 码农网

字号+ 作者:H5之家 来源:H5之家 2017-03-20 08:00 我要评论( )

1.当document文档就绪时执行JavaScript代码。 我们为什么使用jQuery库呢?原因之一就在于我们可以使jQuery代码在各种不同的浏览器和存在bug的浏览器上完美运行。



<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script> <script> // Different ways to achieve the Document Ready event // With jQuery $(document).ready(function(){ /* ... */}); // Short jQuery $(function(){ /* ... */}); // Without jQuery (doesn't work in older IE versions) document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function(){ // Your code goes here }); // The Trickshot (works everywhere): r(function(){ alert('DOM Ready!'); }) function r(f){/in/.test(document.readyState)?setTimeout('r('+f+')',9):f()} </script> 2.使用route。 <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script> <script> var route = { _routes : {}, // The routes will be stored here add : function(url, action){ this._routes[url] = action; }, run : function(){ jQuery.each(this._routes, function(pattern){ if(location.href.match(pattern)){ // "this" points to the function to be executed this(); } }); } } // Will execute only on this page: route.add('002.html', function(){ alert('Hello there!') }); route.add('products.html', function(){ alert("this won't be executed : (") }); // You can even use regex-es: route.add('.*.html', function(){ alert('This is using a regex!') }); route.run(); </script> 3.使用JavaScript中的AND技巧。


// Instead of writing this: if($('#elem').length){ // do something } // You can write this: $('#elem').length && log("doing something"); 4. is()方法比你想象的更为强大。


// First, cache the element into a variable: var elem = $('#elem'); // Is this a div? elem.is('div') && log("it's a div"); // Does it have the bigbox class? elem.is('.bigbox') && log("it has the bigbox class!"); // Is it visible? (we are hiding it in this example) elem.is(':not(:visible)') && log("it is hidden!"); // Animating elem.animate({'width':200},1); // is it animated? elem.is(':animated') && log("it is animated!");




// How many elements does your page have? log('This page has ' + $('*').length + ' elements!'); 6.使用length()属性很笨重,下面我们使用exist()方法。 / Old way log($('#elem').length == 1 ? "exists!" : "doesn't exist!"); // Trickshot: jQuery.fn.exists = function(){ return this.length > 0; } log($('#elem').exists() ? "exists!" : "doesn't exist!"); 7.jQuery方法$()实际上是拥有两个参数的,你知道第二个参数的作用吗? // Select an element. The second argument is context to limit the search // You can use a selector, jQuery object or dom element $('li','#firstList').each(function(){ log($(this).html()); }); log('-----'); // Create an element. The second argument is an // object with jQuery methods to be called var div = $('<div>',{ "class": "bigBlue", "css": { "background-color":"purple" }, "width" : 20, "height": 20, "animate" : { // You can use any jQuery method as a property! "width": 200, "height":50 } }); div.appendTo('#result'); 8.使用jQuery我们可以判断一个链接是否是外部的,并来添加一个icon在非外部链接中,且确定打开方式。


<ul> <li><a href="007.html">The previous tip</a></li> <li><a href="./009.html">The next tip</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.google.com/">Google</a></li> </ul> // Loop through all the links $('#links a').each(function(){ if(this.hostname != location.hostname){ // The link is external $(this).append('<img src="assets/img/external.png" />') .attr('target','_blank'); } }); 9.jQuery中的end()方法可以使你的jQuery链更加高效。 <ul> <li> <ul> <li>No</li> <li>No</li> <li>No</li> </ul> </li> </ul> // Here is how it is used: var breakfast = $('#meals .breakfast'); breakfast.find('.eggs').text('Yes') .end() // back to breakfast .find('.toast').text('Yes') .end() .find('.juice').toggleClass('juice coffee').text('Yes'); breakfast.find('li').each(function(){ log(this.className + ': ' + this.textContent) }); 10.也许你希望你的web 应用感觉更像原生的,那么你可以阻止contextmenu默认事件。 <script> // Prevent right clicking on this page $(function(){ $(document).on("contextmenu",function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }); }); </script> 11.一些站点可能会使你的网页在一个bar下面,即我们所看到在下面的网页是iframe标签中的,我们可以这样解决。 // Here is how it is used: if(window != window.top){ window.top.location = window.location; } else{ alert('This page is not displayed in a frame. Open 011.html to see it in action.'); } 12.你的内联样式表并不是被设置为不可改变的,如下: // Make the stylesheet visible and editable $('#regular-style-block').css({'display':'block', 'white-space':'pre'}) .attr('contentEditable',true);



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