

字号+ 作者:H5之家 来源:H5之家 2015-11-15 18:24 我要评论( )


33. Sumo Select


A jQuery plugin that progressively enhances an HTML Select Box into a Single/Multiple option dropdown list. The dropdown list can be fully customiseable using siple css properties. It can adapt itself according to any deveice, keeping in mind that the User Experience is not broken.

34. jQuery TouchSwipe Carousel


jQuery touchSwipe Carousel/Slider plugin is required for detecting swipe events on on touch input devices and falling back to mouse ‘drags’ on the desktop.

35. WebSnowjq


WebSnowjq.js is a jQuery plugin made using HTML5 and javascript to create a virtual snow fall on a web page. WebSnowjq.jks is compatible with all browsers supporting HTML5. No effort is required to integrate WebSnowjq.js in a website.

36. favico.js


favico.js a jQuery plugin to animate favicons with badges, images or videos. Also it supports AngularJS

37. jAnimate


jAnimate is a plugin to help you use Animate.css with jQuery.

38. Flickity


Flickity makes galleries, sliders, & carousels that feel lively and effortless. You can use Flickity as a jQuery plugin.

39. jQuery Mapael


jQuery Mapael is a jQuery plugin based on raphael.js that allows you to display dynamic vector maps. For example, with Mapael, you can display a map of the world with clickable countries.

40. jQuery YouTube Channel List


A jQuery plugin to show Youtube channels playlist on your site. You can customize width and height of the widget on your websites, widget itself is responsive; given a width (or %) for the widget, the inner contents will resize accordingly, a top featured video can be opened in the video player on load of the widget.

41. Lazy Loading Google Maps Plugin


Lazy-loading Google Maps Plugin checks whether there are any maps in the viewport to be displayed. If yes, it loads (if it wasn’t loaded before) Google Maps API script file and then initiates the corresponding map instances.

42. Bootstrap Switch


Bootstrap Switch is a jQuery plugin that turns checkboxes and radio buttons in toggle switches.

43. Unite Gallery


The Unite Gallery is multipurpose javascript gallery based on jquery library. It’s built with a modular technique with a lot of accent of ease of use and customization. It’s very easy to customize the gallery, changing it’s skin via css, and even writing your own theme.

44. jQuery iBacor



  • jQuery源码解析(DOM与核心模块)


    2015-10-14 11:39
