ͬУԱԭľ˳гȺλϢλʹӴʰЩλȻ˼ַ뷽Ϊ “˳ ”¾Ӱ˳ԭ룺 “// ԽԴ// ѧϰĸ塢// Ա// ַɫ// ֻҪǿܽ뻥” ģ“All can study //by relying on internet resources// regardless of their race, nationality and sex// providing that //they could have access to the internet.”ͬԭ˵ķͬеģԭ˽˲ڣͬʱˣͬԱҪȵڷȡ̷ԭ֮ʱʱԽСԱݾͻԽ࣬ϢҲԽࡣӢϴҪȫԭ֮ٽзѸԭˡˣ“˳Ӣͬһ”
ͬеУ̣ԱݽܵµݵϢ롢©ҪڡӢеʱ䡢ص״ȴھβʹ“ ˳” зʱ䣬ֳ״磺“I went to Holiday Inn//for a seminar// at 10 o’clock//yesterday.”˳ԭ룺“ȥ˼վƵ // μһֻ// ʮ// 졣” ϵ̣ʵʷпܻᱻΪ“ȥվƵ // μһֻ// ʱʮ㡣”
ͬе“ʶȳǰ” ָе“Ԥ”(anticipation) ܡԭϢ£ԱҪݶ“ǰ ”ӶӮʱ䣬˽ͬ롣ںܶĿĻʽж “……ҽ……// ʾҵĻӭ// ԤףδȡԲɹ//” ڷλʱԱͿԸԼľڷ˵“ ҽ……” ʱ仰“Please allow me to be on behalf of …to extend to our warmest welcome to the participants of this conference…” “Ԥף ……”֮Ӧ֪Ҫ “……λɹ ” “Ԥ ”ܵԱͬ빤ΪڷҪǵȵȫϢԺٽзͲͬˡʹܹȥҲǶ϶ںѽյϢ
Ϣ飨reformulationͬܲԡѧͬѧԱע “”ϣ“”ΪӢԲϴҪһһӦؽзǺѵġˣͬӦѭ “Ϣ”ԭҲǸԭסĿиĿϰ֯Ϣڷµԭ“Strange behavior on the part of whales in the southern Atlantic has been observed over a number of years now. A team of marine scientists has come up with a new theory to explain this behavior.But considerable controversy has arisen in Argentina about the theory.”Ϣܻ֮ “Over a number of years,// whales in the southern Atlantic // have been observed//behaving strangely.//To explain this behavior,//a team of scientists has come up with a new theory//. But there has arisen considerable controversy about the theory// in Argentina//”öĹ۲죬ǷϴľΪ졣Ϊ˽һΪһЩѧһµۣڰ͢ȴ顣
νԼ(simplification), ͬԱڲӰԭҪϢĻ϶ԭгֵĿﴦIJϻԭгּԽǿIJϣֱ뵽ĿкѱĿ¶ȡʽ͡ɡԭϢһַԭͬԱҪڵıԭʹƵʡڶݱȽİԱԷгֵ(jargon) ҪȵļԼһζ“ ŷũҵ” Ļϳݣ“If the CIF price of produce at the community boarder is below the guideline price as determined under the Common Market Organization, then at levy, which is not a tariff duty, is imposed.” “ʵ ”˵κһڶʹüԼԭµݽз룺 “If farm produce comes into the Community at a price below the official Community market price,a special agricultural levy is imposed”ģũƷŷļ۸ŷĹٷ۸ĻҪũҵر˰
“ʵ”(faithfulness) һΪǼ鷭ıͬ빤Уʱ“ʵ”ԭģʱȻʵԭģȴòڵͬ벻ͬڱ룬㹻ʱȥ˼ãͬҪԱڼʱڶԽܵϢ飬ʹĿ˽ԭ˵ĽݡˣͬУԭе֡ʡʱʮȫʮԱҪŬǸݽܵĴʡ估ƪԭҪҪϢͬʱںԷʽҲڷУҪ“Ϣֵ”ڹʻֽŻԱҪܲϵر룬ǺܲġҪѧļܣҪ߱һ磺Ӣ˵ҪǿӢԵҪãҪ˼άݣӦ죬ԹȤ֪ʶҪ㡣