

字号+ 作者:H5之家 来源:H5之家 2015-10-21 13:53 我要评论( )

转载:50有用的JavaScript和jQuery技术和插件 下一阶段准备学习一下javascript以及JQuery,网上有人搜集了一些相关技术和插件,特记录一下,以便后期再来学习,对javascript感兴趣的也可以看看。 Colorful Sliders With jQuery CSS3 In this tutorial we are



Colorful Sliders With jQuery & CSS3

In this tutorial we are using jQuery and the new transformation features brought by CSS3 to create a three dimensional dynamic slider effect. The techniques presented here – for creating sliders, and CSS dynamic resizable bars, can be used together or in part for powering all sorts of jQuery goodness.

JS-03 in 50 Useful JavaScript and jQuery Techniques and Plugins

Sponsor Flip Wall With jQuery & CSS
Designing and coding a sponsors page is part of the developer’s life (at least the lucky developer’s life, if it is about a personal site of theirs). It, however, follows different rules than those for the other pages of the site. You have to find a way to fit a lot of information and organize it clearly, so that the emphasis is put on your sponsors, and not on other elements of your design.

JS-39 in 50 Useful JavaScript and jQuery Techniques and Plugins

TipTip jQuery Plugin
TipTip detects the edges of the browser window and will make sure the tooltip stays within the current window size. As a result the tooltip will adjust itself to be displayed above, below, to the left or to the right of the element with TipTip applied to it, depending on what is necessary to stay within the browser window.
TipTip is a very lightweight and intelligent custom tooltip jQuery plugin. It uses ZERO images and is completely customizable via CSS.

JS-00 in 50 Useful JavaScript and jQuery Techniques and Plugins

Nivo Slider
The Most Awesome jQuery Image Slider

JS-02 in 50 Useful JavaScript and jQuery Techniques and Plugins

jQuery.Syntax is an extremely fast and lightweight syntax highlighter. It has dynamic loading of syntax source files and integrates cleanly using CSS or modelines.

JS-04 in 50 Useful JavaScript and jQuery Techniques and Plugins

This is my humble attempt to enhence web time picking.

JS-05 in 50 Useful JavaScript and jQuery Techniques and Plugins

Photo Zoom Out Effect with jQuery
Today we will show you how to create a simple image zoom out effect with jQuery. The idea is show some images which are zoomed in initially and when hovering over an image it gets zoomed out. This effect could be used in photography websites or image galleries. Our example uses some black and white images to focus on the effect.

JS-06 in 50 Useful JavaScript and jQuery Techniques and Plugins

A Fresh Bottom Slide Out Menu with jQuery
In this tutorial we will create a unique bottom slide out menu. This large menu will contain some title and a description of the menu item. It will slide out from the bottom revealing the description text and some icon. We will use some CSS3 properties for some nice shadow effects and jQuery for the interaction.

JS-07 in 50 Useful JavaScript and jQuery Techniques and Plugins

Making a Mosaic Slideshow With jQuery & CSS
Today we are making a jQuery & CSS mosaic gallery. Mosaic, because it will feature an interesting tile transition effect when moving from one slide to another.

JS-08 in 50 Useful JavaScript and jQuery Techniques and Plugins

17 jQuery Plugins for Easy and Efficient Reordering and Filtering Page Elements
Having full control of elements on a page and the order they are presented in can be quite useful. jQuery as always is a safe choice to go for. There are several good quality plugins to pick from. This post provides an overview of plugins you can use to provide simple yet powerful functionality to reorder, filter, add drag and drop capabilities etc.

JS-09 in 50 Useful JavaScript and jQuery Techniques and Plugins



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