

字号+ 作者:H5之家 来源:H5之家 2017-02-24 15:01 我要评论( )


时间:2017-02-18来源: 作者:源码库 文章热度: ℃


<%-- 右键菜单 --%> <div id="zTreeRightMenuContainer" style="z-index: 9999;"> <%-- 层级 0 --%> <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" level="0">     <%-- 通过给菜单项添加样式“hasChildren”并在li标签下添加菜单结构即可扩展子级菜单 --%> <li class="hasChildren"><a tabindex="-1" action="refreshzTreeObj">刷新</a> <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" level="1"> <li><a tabindex="-1">将数据库复制到不同的主机/数据库</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1">创建数据库</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1">改变数据库</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1">新数据搜索</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1">创/建</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1">更多数据库操作</a></li> <li class="divider"></li> <li><a tabindex="-1">备份/导出</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1">导入</a></li> <li class="divider"></li> <li><a tabindex="-1">在创建数据库架构HTML</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <%-- 层级 1 --%> <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" level="1"> <li><a tabindex="-1">将数据库复制到不同的主机/数据库</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1">创建数据库</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1">改变数据库</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1">新数据搜索</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1">创/建</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1">更多数据库操作</a></li> <li class="divider"></li> <li><a tabindex="-1">备份/导出</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1">导入</a></li> <li class="divider"></li> <li><a tabindex="-1">在创建数据库架构HTML</a></li> </ul> <%-- 层级 2 --%> <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" level="2"> <li><a tabindex="-1">创建表</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1">将表复制到不同的主机/数据库</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1">数据搜索</a></li> <li class="divider"></li> <li><a tabindex="-1">计划备份</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1">备份表作为SQL转储</a></li> </ul> </div>


/* 右键菜单 - start */ .dropdown-menu .dropdown-menu { position: absolute; top: -9px; left: 100%; } .dropdown-menu li { position: relative; } .dropdown-menu li.hasChildren:before { content: ''; position: absolute; top: 50%; right: 8px; width: 0; height: 0; margin-top: -5px; border-style: solid; border-color: transparent transparent transparent rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); border-width: 5px 0 5px 5px; pointer-events: none; } .dropdown-menu li.hasChildren:hover > .dropdown-menu { display: block; } /* 右键菜单 - end */


/* 以下为右键菜单插件(Bootstrap风格) */ ;(function ($) { 'use strict'; /* CONTEXTMENU CLASS DEFINITION * ============================ */ var toggle = '[data-toggle="context"]'; var ContextMenu = function (element, options) { this.$element = $(element); this.before = options.before || this.before; this.onItem = options.onItem || this.onItem; this.scopes = options.scopes || null; if (options.target) { this.$element.data('target', options.target); } this.listen(); }; ContextMenu.prototype = { constructor: ContextMenu , show: function (e) { var $menu , evt , tp , items , relatedTarget = {relatedTarget: this, target: e.currentTarget}; if (this.isDisabled()) return; this.closemenu(); if (this.before.call(this, e, $(e.currentTarget)) === false) return; $menu = this.getMenu(); $menu.trigger(evt = $.Event('show.bs.context', relatedTarget)); tp = this.getPosition(e, $menu); items = 'li:not(.divider)'; $menu.attr('style', '') .css(tp) .addClass('open') .on('click.context.data-api', items, $.proxy(this.onItem, this, $(e.currentTarget))) .trigger('shown.bs.context', relatedTarget); // Delegating the `closemenu` only on the currently opened menu. // This prevents other opened menus from closing. $('html') .on('click.context.data-api', $menu.selector, $.proxy(this.closemenu, this)); return false; } , closemenu: function (e) { var $menu , evt , items , relatedTarget; $menu = this.getMenu(); if (!$menu.hasClass('open')) return; relatedTarget = {relatedTarget: this}; $menu.trigger(evt = $.Event('hide.bs.context', relatedTarget)); items = 'li:not(.divider)'; $menu.removeClass('open') .off('click.context.data-api', items) .trigger('hidden.bs.context', relatedTarget); $('html') .off('click.context.data-api', $menu.selector); // Don't propagate click event so other currently // opened menus won't close. if (e) { e.stopPropagation(); } } , keydown: function (e) { if (e.which == 27) this.closemenu(e); } , before: function (e) { return true; } , onItem: function (e) { return true; } , listen: function () { this.$element.on('contextmenu.context.data-api', this.scopes, $.proxy(this.show, this)); $('html').on('click.context.data-api', $.proxy(this.closemenu, this)); $('html').on('keydown.context.data-api', $.proxy(this.keydown, this)); } , destroy: function () { this.$element.off('.context.data-api').removeData('context'); $('html').off('.context.data-api'); } , isDisabled: function () { return this.$element.hasClass('disabled') || this.$element.attr('disabled'); } , getMenu: function () { var selector = this.$element.data('target') , $menu; if (!selector) { selector = this.$element.attr('href'); selector = selector && selector.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, ''); //strip for ie7 } $menu = $(selector); return $menu && $menu.length ? $menu : this.$element.find(selector); } , getPosition: function (e, $menu) { var mouseX = e.clientX , mouseY = e.clientY , boundsX = $(window).width() , boundsY = $(window).height() , menuWidth = $menu.find('.dropdown-menu').outerWidth() , menuHeight = $menu.find('.dropdown-menu').outerHeight() , tp = {"position": "absolute", "z-index": 9999} , Y, X, parentOffset; if (mouseY + menuHeight > boundsY) { Y = {"top": mouseY - menuHeight + $(window).scrollTop()}; } else { Y = {"top": mouseY + $(window).scrollTop()}; } if ((mouseX + menuWidth > boundsX) && ((mouseX - menuWidth) > 0)) { X = {"left": mouseX - menuWidth + $(window).scrollLeft()}; } else { X = {"left": mouseX + $(window).scrollLeft()}; } // If context-menu's parent is positioned using absolute or relative positioning, // the calculated mouse position will be incorrect. // Adjust the position of the menu by its offset parent position. parentOffset = $menu.offsetParent().offset(); X.left = X.left - parentOffset.left; Y.top = Y.top - parentOffset.top; return $.extend(tp, Y, X); } }; /* CONTEXT MENU PLUGIN DEFINITION * ========================== */ $.fn.contextmenu = function (option, e) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this) , data = $this.data('context') , options = (typeof option == 'object') && option; if (!data) $this.data('context', (data = new ContextMenu($this, options))); if (typeof option == 'string') data[option].call(data, e); }); }; $.fn.contextmenu.Constructor = ContextMenu; /* APPLY TO STANDARD CONTEXT MENU ELEMENTS * =================================== */ $(document) .on('contextmenu.context.data-api', function () { $(toggle).each(function () { var data = $(this).data('context'); if (!data) return; data.closemenu(); }); }) .on('contextmenu.context.data-api', toggle, function (e) { $(this).contextmenu('show', e); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); }(jQuery));



  • 怎么用ajax传进来的后台数据动态生成Ztree


    2015-11-04 15:57
