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Learn the basics of the Dojo Rich Text Editor and how to use plug-ins provided by Dojo to enhance performance. Create your own plug-in, and discover how you can easily use and customize the editor to meet your specific requirements.
Processing XML with jQuery: Build dynamic, XML-based UI apps with jQuery, DOM, and AjaxLook closely at jQuery and see why this JavaScript library is a great choice to build dynamic, XML-based UI apps. Explore the benefits and caveats of combining jQuery, XML files, DOM traversal and manipulation, and Ajax.
Five Ajax best practices: Tips and tools for better Ajax developmentExplore five best practices you can apply to your everyday Asynchronous JavaScript + XML (Ajax) development. This article introduces data formats, error handling, and some tools used to develop Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) that use Ajax.
Go instant with PHP, XML, and jQuery: Build an "instant" feature into your web app with AjaxCombine jQuery, XML, and PHP to build a simple search engine plus an instant search user interface for that engine in this article by Jack Herrington.
A guide to writing unobtrusive JavaScript and AjaxEmploy techniques to reap the benefits of developing web apps in an unobtrusive manner, the practice of separating the JavaScript, CSS, and HTML elements. Keep your apps organized in this way for easier maintenance and consistent behavior across various platforms and web browsers.
Develop Ajax web applications with IBM Rational Application Developer and DojoCreate Ajax web applications with the IBM Rational Application Developer IDE, while using the Dojo libraries shipped with the IBM WebSphere Application Server Feature Pack 2.0. In this article, get a practical example using the Dojo Tree widget.
Ajax user authentication and registration techniques with jQueryUse Ajax with jQuery to authenticate and sign-in a user without refreshing the browser. Then, take it a step farther by suggesting user names to a new user who's attempting to register with an existing user name.
Ajax tools and standards
Open source Ajax tools
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