Oracle 高级应用 // Recall the table from DB by mistake. SELECT * FROM RECYCLEBIN ORDER BY DROPTIME DESC FLASHBACK TABLE table_name TO BEFORE DROP; COMMIT; 标准的 SQL 的解析顺序为: (1).FROM 子句, 组装来自不同数据源的数据
高级建表方式 create table t2 as with t as (select level-1 l from dual connect by level<=10), t1 as(select t.l a,t1.l b,t2.l c,t3.l d fro
SQLSERVER 高级复 制 排错 技巧
复制错误排查案例 王景正 一、配置出错 1.现象:SQLServerScheduledJob'复制代理程序检查'(0x8B6402EFE814B543A112E5A5A5FBB8CF)-Status:失败-Invoked&nb